The purpose of this document is to provide all Visitors with Site Safety instructions for Firex Self Service Distribution Units (SSDU). It is a Condition of Entry that all Visitors adhere to the following Site Safety rules and procedures BEFORE entering a FIREX SSDU facility.
1. Contacts
- Dial 000 in case of an Emergency.
- Call Firex on 1300 246 247 or 0402 530 450 (After Hours mobile) for all queries and site related matters.
2. Emergency Evacuation
In the event of an Emergency Evacuation, please make your way to the Assembly Point as indicated on the onsite Kennards Self Storage Evacuation Map. Please await further instructions from the Site Warden.
3. Entry and Exit Instructions
Please follow the Entry and Exit instructions detailed in the Collection Advice document that is sent to your mobile.
Please ensure the Roller Door is fully closed upon Exit. Please contact Firex immediately should the door not close properly.
4. PPE
Protective Footwear must be worn at all times while inside a Firex SSDU.
5. Accidents and Hazards
Please report all Accidents, Hazards and Spills immediately to Firex.
6. First Aid Kit
A First Aid Kit is located in the shelving closest to the Roller Door.
Dial 000 in the event of an Emergency.
Please notify Firex should you injure yourself whilst at the SSDU. Please also advise Firex should you take any First Aid materials so that they can be replaced.
7. Correct lifting techniques for Heavy Objects
Poor lifting techniques can cause muscle strain or back injury.

8. Lifting Aids
If you require a lifting aid such as trolleys or pallet jacks, please contact Firex on 1300 246 247 for assistance.
9. Safety Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available for all products containing hazardous substances or dangerous goods. SDS can be found in the cabinet marked “Safety Data Sheets” located on the rack closest to the Roller Door.
10. Use of Fire Fighting Equipment in an Emergency
In the event of a fire emergency, please use the Fire equipment as directed by Kennards. Alternatively, Firex Fire equipment maybe used, as appropriate, should this equipment be closer to hand.
11. Toilets
Toilets can be found adjacent the Kennards Office. Please ask a Kennards employee should you require assistance.
12. Fire Extinguisher Disposals
All disposals of Extinguishers require prior Approval. A $10 ex GST fee per unit applies for unauthorized dumping of Extinguishers.
All approved Extinguisher Disposals must be fitted with an anti-tamper tag and safety pin to prevent inadvertent release of the extinguisher. Failure to do so will incur a $10 ex GST fee per unit.
Please deposit approved Extinguisher Disposals in the marked areas/cages. If unsure, please contact Firex for assistance.
13. Surveillance & Safety
For Safety and Security purposes, CCTV operate 24hrs 7days a week, inside all Firex SSDU facilities as well as the surrounding Kennards premises. A notification is issued to Firex alerting staff of all activities. Additionally, a continuous video feed enables Firex to monitor your visit.
14. SSDU Emergency Escape
Should you become locked inside a Firex SSDU, Pull the Toggle attached to the Roller Door to open the door.
15. Rubbish
Please do not leave any rubbish inside the SSDU.
16. Mobile phone reception
From time to time, mobile phone reception quality inside the SSDU can be poor. Should this occur, we suggest standing away from the SSDU to obtain a better phone signal.
Site Safety Induction - Visitor Acceptance
Please confirm your acceptance of Firex Site Safety rules and procedures by completing the form below. If you have any questions, please contact Firex on 1300 246 247.